Tag Archives: Damper

Personal Log – 56424.89

Busy week again.
We were continuing the testing of the new Runabout engines. On Thursday we were calibrating the inertial dampers from scratch, basically that means strapping in and holding on to your seat with the Dampers disabled until the engineers say to stop. Wow they have some acceleration I can tell you. Thompson says they’re working on some new Damper tech that’ll allow us to pull ludicrously high G manoeuvres whilst sipping Raktajino from a china cup.

That was probably the most exciting part of the week work-wise.

On Friday, a couple of us from AFRT went to the Theatre in the Capital and watched the Royal Rigelian theatre company perform Les Misérables. I must say, for a 400 year old play about events 500 years ago, it’s stood the test of time. Thoroughly enjoyable night.

Oh and this weekend was the three hundred and sixty fifth anniversary of Queen Elisabeth the Second’s Diamond Jubilee, you’ve got to hand it to 21st century Britain, they sure knew how to party. I’m making it a tradition now to celebrate by watching these recordings of the concert and boat pageant etcetera etcetera and drinking copious amounts of champagne whilst devouring a few boxes of strawberries dipped in sugar… Ok I’m weird, I know, you can stop staring at me now.