Tag Archives: Hospital

Personal Log – 56202.51

Cadets Personal Log – Stardate 56202.51


What the hell did I do this time?!

I took Spots to the highlands and visited mum, then when we got back, she invited me up to her place.
Things started getting ‘jiggy‘ as a friend would say, then suddenly in walks friken Dangles!!

What the hell was he doing there.. In HER place.

Well of course that put a dampener on things. He left after giving her a PADD.

All I did was ask, simply and politely how he got into her room, but OH NO that obviously means I’m looking to start a fight.

Well I wasn’t OK!?!

So she started yelling, I yelled back, for some reason security came in and tried to stop us arguing, neither of them took kindly to Spots throwing a PADD at me that just accidentally happened to hit one of them in the face.

I… Intervened when they tried to arrest her and ended up with three broken ribs, a fractured clavicle and a split coccyx.

So I’m at Starfleet Medical now.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from tonight, don’t try to get a 7 foot Orion male in a choke hold whilst standing on a 2nd floor balcony.

Oh well, at least I might be spared to tour on the Republic next week… One can only hope

Although I was looking forward to a seminar this weekend.

Anywho, Risian nurse is coming back round, I’m sure I’ve got a horgon stashed somewhere around here.

Hamilton Out.