Tag Archives: Outside

Personal Log – 56323.19

It’s been a busy couple of weeks.

Finals start next wednesday.

All the professors are on our backs about revising, Professor Ling’ton even gave us all personalised study timetables with all our classes. According to Lynya it’s adorable, according to Cortak, it’s overkill.
Personally, I’m on the fence.

I’m still trying to decide what to do. Should I follow my gut or my dreams?
My gut keeps telling me to go to Command School, with Lynya, but it’d be a dream come true to work at AFRT.

I wish someone would just tell me what to do. I’ve always hated making decisions like this.

Dad says go to CS “dont make the same mistakes I did”, but he isn’t a pilot, he doesn’t know what it’s like.

I was sitting outside in the main quad today, looking over at San Francisco, watching as cadets rushed about, late for class, trying to find what some might call Divine inspiration. It was a beautiful day, barely a cloud in the sky and once everyone was inside, it was just so peaceful, well as peaceful as it ever gets in the Bay area. It just felt good.

I need to get away for a bit, take a week off by myself. Maybe I can borrow a shuttle and fly around the sector for a few days, hell even if I could just spend a couple of days on the destiny. I just need some peace, clear my head.

I’ve still got until the end of may before I have to decide.

I just hope I make the right decision.