Tag Archives: Spoon

Personal Log – 56252.16

Sunday was rough.

I had one hell of a hangover. I haven’t had one like that since I was sixteen…

The four of us decided to ‘go out on the town’ as Spoony put it. He read that phrase in some of those awful 21st century novels Lynya gave him for his birthday, I swear he’s been saying it every day since. I think he even worked it into a response to one Professor Obrien’s questions the other day.

With final exams coming up we thought it was probably the last opportunity we’d get to really party, so we did…

I’m not sure how many pubs, clubs and bars we frequented. I do remember Chep getting into a disagreement with a rather rotund Bolian over the last sausage. I think that was at the 602, or was it Rosie’s? I’m not sure.

Cortak brought along his holocam too. He fancies himself as a bit of a cameraman I think. I managed to delete most of the more compromising photo’s on there, but he still got some rather, how should I put it, undesirable pictures of Lynya.

However I must give him credit, he made a “Music Video” when we were in Club 47 (how we got to Spacedock I have no idea). It turned out to be pretty good I think. I’ve never seen some of those dance moves that Chep pulled out. Didn’t think the little guy had it in him. He kind of looked like a lephrachaun.

I’ll see if I can swipe the file and attach it.

Like I said, I woke up on sunday with the worst headache imaginable, spent most of the day in the bathroom. Cortak wasn’t much better off. Spots and Chep popped round to take care of us, but nothing Chops gave us helped. I think he mixed up his hypos on saturday night, no idea what was in them but it certainly wasn’t something to sober us up.

Today though was much better except Professor Helaan was on my case about not having accepted my place at C.S. yet. I still don’t know what to do. Maybe I’ll talk to Bilby, he usually know’s what to say.

Oh and I think I saw Captain Picard walking around the Quad with his XO, what’s his name again? The guy with the Beard? Rick? No that’s not it… Riker! Yes Riker. I wish I could have shaken their hands but I was late enough for Political Studies as it was.

I should probably sleep now, it’s been a long couple of days.

Personal Log – 56238.01

That ship really is a piece of crap.
Sure it’d be fine for some future desk jokey to log their requisite hours in space, but for someone like me, an ace pilot.

You’re not an ace pilot yet Dax.

What! Computer delete last… Oh never mind.

That was the thorn in my side and roommate Cortak. The loveable spoon.

You know, I’ve never worked out why they haven’t added a voice distinction routine for recording logs. I’ve heard some funny stories from dad leaving the computer recording a mission report only to come back and see the text form of his cabin-mates’ romantic escapades… It was sent to his superior automatically too…

Speaking of dad, the Destiny put in to Utopia for a couple of weeks of repairs and upgrades, which means Dad’s on leave. That’s the good thing about Reynolds being captain, he insists on overseeing anything that’s done to his ship personally, instead of leaving it to the XO.

Mum sent me a message just before I left the Republic inviting me home to see Dad whilst he’s there. She also ‘suggested‘ that I bring spots along… Dad still hasn’t met her… Perhaps I’ll find an off world assignment for the next fortnight, perhaps someone needs something delivered to Bajor…


Dax why don’t you just get it over with and introduce them.

Shutit spoony.

I can’t wait til graduation…